A balanced diet and oral hygiene

A balanced diet, together with adequate oral hygiene, is essential to develop and maintain teeth. strong and resistant to decay. In the same way that consuming certain foods can increase the risk of suffering from cavities, there are many others that make them beneficial for our dental health.

Milk and its derivatives:

They are an important source of calcium, an essential element for enamel repair, protecting teeth from wear. Among dairy products, cheese must be highlighted, which helps to strengthen the surface of the tooth, and yogurt, since in addition to calcium, it provides phosphates and casein, very useful for remineralizing the tooth. Of course, the ideal is to take these products sugarfree.

Fruits and vegetables

In general, fruits and vegetables facilitate the removal of bacterial plaque and food debris that may have adhered to the teeth by enhancing saliva production, being a great antibacterial agent.

Among many fruits and vegetables we find apples, carrots and celery that have a sweeping effect on bacterial plaque.
Spinach, lettuce or mango contain Vitamin A that contributes to keeping the gums healthy, especially when we find some pathology or infection.
On the other hand, strawberries, broccoli, red pepper, orange or tangerine contain Vitamin C that helps repair tissues by avoiding inflammation.

High fiber foods

By requiring more chewing effort, whole grains or legumes promote saliva production and the removal of plaque bacteria.


Provides fluoride, which strengthens the enamel. Green tea is the most recommended, but also black tea, which is very rich in calcium. The only drawback is that, due to its antioxidants, it easily stains teeth. However, with correct oral hygiene and periodic professional cleanings we can enjoy it with complete peace of mind.


It helps stimulate salivation because if we are not well hydrated, our body will save water and generate less saliva. The general recommendation is to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day.

Nuts and seeds

They are rich in vitamins and minerals, among which calcium (almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios) and magnesium (sunflower seeds, sesame, pine nuts) stand out. The less processed they are, the better, and of course, you have to try to take them no sugar or honey.

sugar free gum

These products favor teeth cleaning by enhancing saliva secretion when proper dental hygiene cannot be carried out after a meal. What should be avoided is consuming it with sugar as it would be an important source of cavities.

Try to include all these foods and drinks in your daily diet and remember that food eaten as part of a balanced diet and oral hygiene are essential for good dental health.

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